Backpacking in October

As all  of you know, our backpacking campout is coming up! The cost for this  awesome weekend trip planned for Oct 19-21  will be a mere $20.  Because of the need to get an accurate count of hikers, everyone planning on  attending needs to bring your $20 AND a permission slip to the Scout  meeting on Monday  (Oct 15). If you won’t be able to come to  the meeting (or if you just want to be pro-active), you can also drop it off at  my house, (97 S Dawson Ave) at any time between now and Monday. Permission slips  can be downloaded from the troop website at   I hate to be a pain, but no $$=no trip.

From  my discussion with the SPL, none of the Scouts needs to borrow any gear  (backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, etc). If this is not correct, please let me  and Peter ( know  ASAP so arrangements can be made.
BTW,  we could also use 1-2 more adults to come so that we have enough cars to stage  water. This a great opportunity to spend a quality weekend in proximity to your  son on a beautiful backpacking trip!


Mr  Kirschner

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