Each year Troop 166 assists the Bexley Recreation and Parks department with the Annual Easter Egg Hunt.
Our participation consists of two events:
On the Friday before Easter (Friday, April 6th this year) Scouts gather at the Scoutmasters house (49 N. Merkle Rd) at 6 PM to place about 65 pounds of jelly beans into 1,440 plastic eggs.
The following Scouts are currently on the list to take part:
Noah D.
Liam F.
Jack N.
Bryden G.
William B.
Mason D.
I need at least 2 more Scouts but more are welcome to attend.
Scout uniforms are not required for this event. We should be done by 7:30 PM
On the Saturday before Easter (Saturday, April 7th this year), Scouts gather at 10 AM at Jeffrey Mansion to set up the Easter Egg hunt area, place signage, hide eggs and supervise the hunt areas before the 12 Noon start.
At about 12:03 the Scouts help with the cleanup of the area and store the material for marking the hunt areas for future Easter Egg Hunts.
These Scouts are signed up to help with the Easter Egg Hunt:
Liam F.
Jack N.
I need at least 6 more Scouts to assist with the Easter Egg Hunt, but more are welcome to help.
Scouts participating in the Easter Egg Hunt will need to bin in their Class “A” uniform.
We should be done by 12:30 PM.
Please let me know if you are able to help with this important and very visible event for our Scout troop.
Yours in Scouting,
Mr. Fulton