Kanik: Philmont’s Cold-Weather Camping Program

Kanik Patch

“Kanik” is the Inuit word for “snowflake.”

Cold-weather camping is the ultimate test of your ability to camp and travel in the backcountry and learn to live in harmony with the environment. Training in winter camping will prepare you to safely enjoy many winter adventures and to teach others to enjoy these unique experiences.

Participants in Kanik learn to camp comfortably in cold weather, and enjoy Philmont’s beauty in winter. Crews hike through the backcountry, sleep in tents or snow shelters, and participate in activities such as ski touring, snow shelter building, and winter ecology.

Holiday Kanik is scheduled for December 28th – 31, 2009. Space is limited, and each season fills up quickly, so we need to make reservations as soon as possible!

What Is the Cost?

The program cost is $125 per person, which includes meals, snacks, instruction, staff, and the use of special outdoor equipment, sleeping bags, and outer clothing as needed.

Additional expenses including travel to and from Philmont are currently estimated at $450.  Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Travel potentially may involve taking the train from Chicago, leaving early Dec. 26th,  and returning Jan. 2nd.  Cross-country train travel is an adventure as well!

What’s next?

There will be an organizational meeting next Monday, Nov. 23rd at 7 p.m., just before the troop meeting.  Bring a check for $50 made out to Troop 166.  It will be refunded if we are unable to make reservations to go.

Mr. Lonergan will be coordinating this outing.

More details here.

John Fulton


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