2007 Northern Tier Canoeing

2007 – Northern Tier Base

Bissett, Manitoba


This photo is from our first day on the lake. We must have gone 12 miles that day. Unfortunately, most of it was side-to-side!

We were a group of 7 (including our interpreter Blair, seated at the stern), so we had one canoe with 2 paddlers, and a duffer. Yeah, duffing is sure tough work!

By the end of the trip, even Ben was all smiles.Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but it was a great trip!

Although most of the trip was flat water lakes and rivers ,there were a couple of small swifts which we paddled. Not shown here: Matt almost getting left behind on this one!

These grassy pics were from the Beaver Damnation section of the trip. This was a couple of miles of swampy,  bushy areas caused by a series of beaver dams (see the Critters section!). Sort of reminded me of ‘Nam, at least from what I have seen in the movies. I don’t have any pictures of us walking the canoes and portaging this area, but there was plenty of that.

Damn those beavers!

We occasionally rafted up to chat, pick a direction, or check things out, such as the 10,000 year old pictographs on the cliff wall at the left of the photo!

Here is one photo of the adult leaders on the trip demonstrating the over water/under water canoeing technique. It was hot, so the cool water felt good!

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